I'm always making new recordings to share and others to enjoy! Please visit my Instagram and Youtube Channel by clicking the links above, or check out some highlights here.
My newest project is a weekly livestream called the 'Messy Desk Concert and Conversation Series' where I chat with guitarists and they perform. I've also put my debut CD from 2015 'Sketches' here below for free download!
If you are interested in supporting with more than a "like" or "share", you can make a donation to keep the music making and conversations going. It's hard to put a price on art and music, so feel free to contribute what you can. A huge thank you in advance and have fun listening!
Donation Options
Make a one-time donation:
(note: half of donations made during a Messy Desk livestream will go to the artist I am featuring on the stream)
Thank you for your support!